Easy arabic and quraan: April 2014


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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Arabic Articles

Arabic Articles

This lesson will help you understand the articles in Arabic (definite and indefinite articles), and enables you to use real examples shown below. If you have any question let us know by clicking on the “Contact us” button, this lesson is very important since it covers a very widely used element in Arabic which is the article.
Arabic Definite Articles:
The definite article in Arabic is formed by adding the prefix “al” to the noun, “al” is equal to “the” in English and it should be connected to the noun. Examples: the boy = al waladالولد, the girl = al bent البنت , the house = al bait البيت .
The definite article “al, ال ” is not all the time pronounced as “al”, the “al” would be pronounced as “a” instead of “al” if it precedes one of the following letters(t - ت , th-  ث , d - د, dh- ذ  , r- ر  , z- ز  , s- س  , sh-  ش , s- ص , d -ض  , t - ط  , z- ظ  , n- ن  )
This process is called assimilation. An easy way to make the pronunciation easier, just like the way English does with the indefinite article “a” (a book, but an eagle).
The sky = assamaa السماء (instead of alsamaa) because sky =samaa سماء starts with a (s س which is part of the letters above).
The moon = alqamar القمر , since the letter q ق  is not in the list above we can always use the full “al” with it.
Note that the omission of the letter “l” is only in pronunciation and not in writing. You still have to write the “l” in Arabic (not in transliteration however)
Arabic Definite Articles
When the “l” is omitted (assimilation)
The merchant = attajer التاجر (merchant = tajer تاجر )
The notebook = addaftar الدفتر (notebook = daftar  دفتر)
The painting = arrasm الرسم (painting = rasm رسم)
The time = azzaman الزمن  (time = zaman زمن)
The eagle = annasr النسر  (eagle = nasr نسر )
These are just examples of words starting with the letters below:
(t - ت , th-  ث , d - د , dh- ذ  , r- ر  , z- ز  , s- س  , sh-  ش , s- ص , d -ض  , t - ط  , z- ظ  , n- ن  )
When the “l” is not omitted (no assimilation)
The moon = alqamar  القمر (moon = qamar قمر )
The sunset = alghuroub  الغروب(sunset =ghuroub غروب )
The eye = al’ayn  العين(eye = ‘ayn عين )
The king = almalik  الملك(king = malik ملك )
The present = alhadiah  الهدية(present = hadiah الهدية )
These are just examples of the rest of alphabets that no assimilation is needed for, so you can use the “al” without omitting the “l”. the letters the assimilation is not needed for are:
(a - أ , b ب , j ج , h ح ,  kh خ , ‘ ع  , gh غ , f ف  ,q ق , ك , l ل , m م , n ن ,  h هـ , w  و, yaي  )

Note that whenever an assimilation is needed you need to double the first consonant coming after the first “a” in the word, to understand it more look at the table above.

Arabic Indefinite Articles:

To use the indefinite article in Arabic, there is not much that you can add, just leave the word with no article, especially when you write in Arabic alphabet, there is a small modification however that occurs to the tail of the word, called nunation (adding the suffix “un”):
A house = bait +un = baitun  بيتٌthe “un” is expressed by this symbol ( ُُ ُُ   or  ٌٌٌٌ  ) when written in Arabic alphabet, like in the example of: baitun = بيتٌ  .
A sun = shams+un = Shamsun شمسٌ ,  a dog = kalbunكلبٌ ,  a tree = shajaratun شجرةٌ , a student = tilmeedun تلميذٌ , a language = lugatun لغةٌ .
Since the nunation is a property of the indefinite article you cannot apply it to the definite article,
The star = annajm النجم , a star = najmun نجمٌ .
I hope you benefited from this lesson (the Arabic articles), please check our other lessons to take advantage of the other useful information they may contain.

Arabic Alphabet

This lesson will help you understand the alphabet in Arabic, and enables you to use real examples shown below. If you have any question let us know by clicking on the “Contact us” button, this lesson is very important since it covers a very widely used element in Arabic which is the alphabet.
The table below shows the three forms that a letter can take, a letter in a blue font shows a letter starting a word, the red font shows a letter in the middle of the word, and the black font shows a letter at the end of the word, as you may have noticed, there is no big different between the three forms.
Just a tip for you: most of the time the letter at the end looks exactly like the letter when it’s alone.
Arabic Alphabet List:
**: letters having stars next to them can only connect with other letters placed before them and not after, which means that if a letter is placed after them, that letter should take a form as if it was placed in the beginning of the word.
Note also that the letters I marked with stars in the table above never connect with other letters marked with stars either before or after.
So you have to be careful with these starred letters, because sometimes they may make you think that they’re the last letter of a word because they have that form of an ending letter, while in the reality they may not be the last letter of the word. The table below may explain it better:
Learning how to read Arabic characters and how to pronounce it will make it very easy for you to learn the language, and avoid counting on transliterations that are not really reliable.
I hope you benefited from this lesson (the Arabic alphabet), please check our other lessons to take advantage of the other useful information they may contain.

Arabic Phrases

This lesson will help you understand the learn the phrases in Arabic, and enables you to use real examples shown below. If you have any question let us know by clicking on the “Contact us” button, this lesson is very important since it covers a very widely used element in Arabic which is the daily  .phrases
Hi! Salam
Good Morning! Sabah el kheer
 صباح الخير
Good Evening! Masaa el kheer
 مساء الخير
Welcome! (to greet someone) Marhaban
How Are You? Kaifa haloka/ haloki ( female)
كيف حالك
I'm Fine, Thanks!  Ana bekhair, shokran! أنا بخير شكرا
And You? Wa ant? / Wa anti? (female
 و أنت؟
Good Jayed
Thank You (Very Much)! Shokran (jazeelan)
 شكرا (جزيلا)
You're Welcome! Al3afu
Hey! Friend! Ahlan sadiqi/ sadiqati! (female
 أهلا صديقي /صديقتي!
I Missed You So Much! Eshtaqto elaika/ elaiki (female) katheeran
 إشتقت إليك كثيرا
?What's New? Maljadeed
Nothing Much Lashai jadeed
 لا شيء جديد
Good Night! Tosbeho/ tosbeheena (female) 3ala khair
 تصبح/ تصبحين على خير
See You Later! Araaka/ Araaki (female) fi ma ba3d
 أراك في مابعد
Good Bye! Ma3a salama
 مع السلامة
Good Luck! Bettawfeeq
Happy Birthday! Eid meelad sa3eed
 عيد ميلاد سعيد
Happy New Year! Sana sa3eedah
 سنة سعيدة
!Merry Christmas! 3eed meelad majeed
 عيد ميلاد مجيد
!Happy Eid! Eid mobarak
 عيد مبارك!
!Happy Ramadan Ramadan mobarak
 رمضان مبارك
Congratulations! Mabrook
Enjoy! (For meals…) Shahia tayebah
 شهية طيبة
I'd Like To Visit Morocco One Day Arghabu bezeyarat al maghrib.
 أرغب بزيارة المغرب
Say Hi To John For me. Sallem 3ala John men ajli
 سلِّم على (جون) من أجلي
Bless you (when sneezing) Rahimaka Allah/ Rahimaki Allah (female)
 رحمك الله
Good Night & Sweet Dreams! Laila sa'eda wa ahlaam ladida
 ليلة سعيدة و أحلام لذيذة!
I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) 3afwan
Sorry (for a mistake) Aasef
No Problem! La moshkelah 
Can You Say It Again?  A3ed men fadlek!/ A3eedi men fadleki (fem
 أعد من فضلك
Can You Speak Slowly? Takalam bebot’ men fadlek/ fadleki (fem)
 تكلم ببطء من فضلك
Write It Down Please
Oktobha men fadlek/ Oktobiha men fadleki (fem)
 أكتبها من فضلك! / أكتبيها من فضلك
I Don't Understand! La afham
 لا أفهم
I Don't Know! La a3ref
 لآ أعرف
I Have No Idea. La adri
?What's That Called In Arabic? Ma esmoho bel arabiah
ما أسمه بالعربية
?What Does "qit" Mean In English
?Mada ta3ni kalemat "qit" bel inglizia
ماذا تعني كلمة "قط" بالانجليزية
?How Do You Say "Please" In Arabic
Kaifa taqulu kalimat "please" bel arabia
 كيف تقول كلمة "بليز" بالعربية؟
What Is This? Ma hadha (dh sound like the one in that)
ما هذا
My Arabic Is Bad. Lughati al arabic laisat kama yajib
 لغتي العربية ليست كما يجب
I need to practice my Arabic
Ahtaaju an atadarraba 3ala al arabia
 احتاج ان اتدرب على العربية
Don't Worry! La taqlaq! La taqlaqi (fem)
 لاتقلق/ لا تقلقي!